Business Trips - Interactive Practice
Kliknite na Počúvajte Všetko a postupujte ďalej. Potom, keď dostatočne porozumiete celú konverzáciu, stávate sa osobou A kliknutím na tlačidlo osoba A. Prostredníctvom zvukového súboru budete počuť iba osobu B. Osoba A nebude súčasťou konverzácie, a vašou úlohou je opakovať pôvodné vety osoby A. Toto isté zopakujte ako osoba B. Konverácia sa odohráva v rýchlosti rodeného angličana. Ak je takáto konverzácia pre Vás príliš rýchla, použite tlačidlo pozastaviť (pause) medzi každou vetou. Po niekoľkých cvičeniach by ste mali byť schopní hovoriť tak rýchlo, ako by angličtina bola vaša rodná reč.
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "Hey Mark, I'm assigning you on the Tully project. You'll have to go to California in two weeks." B: "What is my objective over there?" A: "You have to review financial documents over there. If you find something missing, work with their accountants to get the documents you need to complete the analysis." B: "How large is this project?" A: "It's pretty big, so take someone with you. I think you can finish in a week if two of you are working on it." B: "Do we have to arrive there at a certain time?" A: "Not really, but you should get there before lunch to settle in. Then you can get in half a day." B: "Who should I contact when I get there?" A: "I'll email you the details, but you should go book your flight soon." B: "Will do. Do you have a recommendation on who should go with me?" A: "Either Seth or Josh." B: "Ok. I'll find out who has more time." A: "Great. Keep me informed." B: "Got it."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "Hey Seth, you wanna go for lunch soon?" B: "How about in 30 minutes. I'm almost done with this section." A: "Ok. Where do you want to eat?" B: "I'm ok with anything, but let's go to a fast food place." A: "There's a Burger King around the corner. Let's go there." B: "Sounds good. One quick question... I'm going to finish all my work tomorrow. If we finish tomorrow, I suggest we head back home tomorrow evening. What do you think?" A: "I think that's doable. We'll see how much we get done today, and if we're close, I'll let them know that we'll be done tomorrow." B: "Sounds good."
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