College Partying - Interactive Practice
Kliknite na Počúvajte Všetko a postupujte ďalej. Potom, keď dostatočne porozumiete celú konverzáciu, stávate sa osobou A kliknutím na tlačidlo osoba A. Prostredníctvom zvukového súboru budete počuť iba osobu B. Osoba A nebude súčasťou konverzácie, a vašou úlohou je opakovať pôvodné vety osoby A. Toto isté zopakujte ako osoba B. Konverácia sa odohráva v rýchlosti rodeného angličana. Ak je takáto konverzácia pre Vás príliš rýchla, použite tlačidlo pozastaviť (pause) medzi každou vetou. Po niekoľkých cvičeniach by ste mali byť schopní hovoriť tak rýchlo, ako by angličtina bola vaša rodná reč.
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "Hey man. What's going on?" B: "Not much. Just having a good time." A: "That's all good. What year are you?" B: "I'm a sophomore. How about you?" A: "This is my third year." B: "Are you in this fraternity?" A: "No. I'm over at Beta Psi." B: "I have a friend over there. Do you know Johnny Parker?" A: "Yeah. He joined us last year. He a friend of yours?" B: "Yeah. We went to high school together." A: "Right on. What's your name?" B: "Roger Dunkin. How about you?" A: "Steve Leary. It's nice to meet you." B: "Yeah." A: "What have you been drinking?" B: "Just Heinekens" A: "Oh man. You have been missing the good stuff. Are you OK with shots?" B: "Hell yeah." A: "Cool. Follow me. I'll show you the good stuff."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "You come to a lot of these parties?" B: "As many as I can find." A: "Ha ha ha." B: "Any fine ladies around here?" A: "I just checked out a group of chicks heading towards the kitchen." B: "Were they with any guys?" A: "No, they were alone." B: "What are you doing just standing here then? Let's go see if they want any company." A: "Sounds like a good plan. Let's go."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "Do you go to school here?" B: "No. I go to a different university." A: "So do you know Johnny?" B: "I came here with a friend who knows Johnny. I met him a couple of times. He's a cool guy. So you go to this school?" A: "Yeah." B: "What year are you?" A: "I'm a junior. How about you?" B: "Me too. But I bet I'll be in school for 4 more years. I still haven't decided on my major." A: "I'm in a similar boat. I'm in the English department, but I want to change majors. If I do that, then I'll have to go to school for another year." B: "That's life I guess." A: "I'm going to get another drink. It was nice meeting you." B: "Yeah. Nice meeting you too."
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