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Intermediate Listening Lesson #02
Krok 1:
Počúvajte rozhovor
Nepozerajte sa na otázky pred tým, pokiaľ si nevypočujete audio súbor. Čítanie otázok dopredu vám nepomôže zlepšiť vaše počúvacie schopnosti.
Krok 2:
Test - Zobraziť Otázky
1. What are Steve and Mike planning on doing today?
Watch a movie
Play pool
Drink beer
2. What does Steve have to do later today?
Study for exams
Watch a television show
Meet parents for dinner
Go to a party
3. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Same as today
Clear and Sunny
Neither A or B
Both A and B
4. What are they planning to do tomorrow?
Watch a movie after lunch
Lunch together then watch a concert at 1pm
Eat dinner together
Go to a party at eleven thirty at night
Zobraziť odpovede
1. Nothing
2. Meet parents for dinner
3. Both A and B
4. Watch a concert at 1pm
Ak si nie ste istí s odpoveďami na otázky, opäť si po prečítaní otázky vypočujte audio súbor. Potom, čo ste využili všetky svoje možnosti si môžete zobraziť odpovede a vidieť, ako ste na tom.
Krok 3:
Ukáž dialóg konverzácie
A: "Hello?"
B: "Hi Steve. This is Mike. What are you doing?"
A: "Oh, hi. I was just watching TV."
B: "There's nothing to watch right now."
A: "I know. I was watching a re-run. I have nothing to do and I was bored."
B: "Me too. Let's get together and do something."
A: "I'd like to, but I have to meet my parents in an hour for dinner. How about tomorrow?"
B: "Yeah. Let's plan something tomorrow."
A: "Did you hear the weather forecast for tomorrow?"
B: "I think it is going to be the same as today. Clear and sunny."
A: "That's great. We can do something outdoors then."
B: "Are there any special events going on tomorrow?"
A: "Yeah. I think there's a live outdoor concert by the river tomorrow."
B: "Oh yeah. I heard about that too. Let's go check it out."
A: "Do you know what time it starts?"
B: "It starts at one PM."
A: "Let's meet for lunch at eleven thirty and afterwards, we can head over there."
B: "Perfect. I'll see you in front of the apartment at eleven thirty."
Potom ako zvládnete počúvaciu lekciu, mali by ste si prečítať konverzačný dialóg. Nepozerajte sa na text dialógu pokiaľ si ho nevypočujete , alebo pokiaľ nezodpoviete všetky otázky.
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