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Intermediate Listening Lesson #23
Krok 1:
Počúvajte rozhovor
Nepozerajte sa na otázky pred tým, pokiaľ si nevypočujete audio súbor. Čítanie otázok dopredu vám nepomôže zlepšiť vaše počúvacie schopnosti.
Krok 2:
Test - Zobraziť Otázky
1. What material is the bracelet?
White gold
2. What was the occasion of the gift?
No occasion
A birthday present
Anniversary present
A wedding present
3. What does she want next?
A ring
A bracelet
A necklace
A pendant
4. When does she want a ring from her boyfriend?
As soon as possible
Next year
A little later after she is ready
Zobraziť odpovede
1. White gold
2. No occasion
3. A necklace
4. A little later after she is ready
Ak si nie ste istí s odpoveďami na otázky, opäť si po prečítaní otázky vypočujte audio súbor. Potom, čo ste využili všetky svoje možnosti si môžete zobraziť odpovede a vidieť, ako ste na tom.
Krok 3:
Ukáž dialóg konverzácie
A: "I love your bracelet. When did you get it?"
B: "I got it awhile ago, but I haven't worn it much. You really like it?"
A: "Yeah. It's beautiful. Is it white gold or silver?"
B: "It's white gold."
A: "Where did you buy it?"
B: "My boyfriend took me to the Shane Co. and he let me pick it out."
A: "That's so sweet. What was the occasion?"
B: "That's the best part. It wasn't for anything special. He just wanted to buy me something."
A: "You're so lucky. If he bought you something for no special day, I wonder what he would buy you for your birthday."
B: "My birthday is coming up next month. We'll find out pretty soon."
A: "What do you want?"
B: "I wouldn't mind a necklace. I was at the jewelry shop looking around, and they have a couple of beautiful necklaces I want."
A: "Why not a ring?"
B: "I don't think I'm ready for a ring from him yet."
A: "But you're ready for everything else?"
B: "Damn right."
Potom ako zvládnete počúvaciu lekciu, mali by ste si prečítať konverzačný dialóg. Nepozerajte sa na text dialógu pokiaľ si ho nevypočujete , alebo pokiaľ nezodpoviete všetky otázky.
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