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Intermediate Listening Lesson #28
Krok 1:
Počúvajte rozhovor
Nepozerajte sa na otázky pred tým, pokiaľ si nevypočujete audio súbor. Čítanie otázok dopredu vám nepomôže zlepšiť vaše počúvacie schopnosti.
Krok 2:
Test - Zobraziť Otázky
1. What causes stress the most for this person?
Pressure from parents
Too much school work
Stressful work
Demanding wife
2. Why does the other friend NOT have this same problem?
Brought home bad grades
Always got into trouble
Never listened
Never paid attention
3. How does this person deal with stress?
Talk with a psychologist
Drink with friends
Ignore the stress
4. What are they going to do after this conversation?
Grab a beer
Go home
Eat dinner
Watch TV
Zobraziť odpovede
1. Pressure from parents
2. Brought home bad grades
3. Drink with friends
4. Grab a beer
Ak si nie ste istí s odpoveďami na otázky, opäť si po prečítaní otázky vypočujte audio súbor. Potom, čo ste využili všetky svoje možnosti si môžete zobraziť odpovede a vidieť, ako ste na tom.
Krok 3:
Ukáž dialóg konverzácie
A: "What stresses you out the most?"
B: "Probably my parents."
A: "How so?"
B: "Well, during school, they wanted good grades. Then after I got a job, they wanted me to get a better job. And finally, they want me to get married."
A: "You have to deal with a lot of pressure from your parents."
B: "Your parents are not like that?"
A: "Ever since I brought home some bad grades in elementary school, they never expected much."
B: "You're lucky."
A: "What do you do to deal with the stress?"
B: "Not much I can do. It's always there. I sometimes go out with some friends and drink, but that's only a temporary solution. The stress always returns in the morning."
A: "That sucks. You wanna go grab a beer?"
B: "Sure. Sounds great. Let's go."
Potom ako zvládnete počúvaciu lekciu, mali by ste si prečítať konverzačný dialóg. Nepozerajte sa na text dialógu pokiaľ si ho nevypočujete , alebo pokiaľ nezodpoviete všetky otázky.
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