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Advanced Listening Lesson #04
Krok 1:
Počúvajte rozhovor
Nepozerajte sa na otázky pred tým, pokiaľ si nevypočujete audio súbor. Čítanie otázok dopredu vám nepomôže zlepšiť vaše počúvacie schopnosti.
Krok 2:
Test - Zobraziť Otázky
1. Why is Sara showing Jessica around?
Because Sara is the landlord
Because Sara is collecting rent
Because Sara was there first and is being friendly
Because Jessica asked her
2. What is one thing they have in common?
They both are morning people
They both like music
They both like watching TV
They both like the same type of boys
3. Sara brought a TV for the room. What did Jessica bring with her?
A Television also
A stereo
A microwave oven
A refrigerator
4. Where is the cafeteria located?
In the building next door
In the building
Across the street on campus
There is no cafeteria
Zobraziť odpovede
1. Because Sara was there first and is being friendly
2. They both like watching TV
3. A refrigerator
4. In the building
Ak si nie ste istí s odpoveďami na otázky, opäť si po prečítaní otázky vypočujte audio súbor. Potom, čo ste využili všetky svoje možnosti si môžete zobraziť odpovede a vidieť, ako ste na tom.
Krok 3:
Ukáž dialóg konverzácie
A: "Hi. I'm Sara."
B: "My name is Jessica. It's nice to meet you."
A: "Yes. It's nice to meet you as well."
B: "Have you been here long?"
A: "I got here about an hour ago. Do you want me to show you around?"
B: "Yeah. That would be great. The most important is the bathroom right?"
A: "Definitely. But we have to share the bathroom with the whole floor. The break room is over there. The bathroom is right across from the break room, and finally, the RA (resident advisor) is in room 315."
B: "I'm glad there is a TV in the break room. I like to watch TV."
A: "Me too. So I brought one. I haven't unpacked it yet, but it's a little TV that works."
B: "Cool. I brought a refrigerator. I like to store some snacks in there. Feel free to use it."
A: "That would be perfect. I think we're going to have a great time."
B: "Do you sleep pretty late, or are you a morning person."
A: "I have never been either. I'm very flexible with sleeping times. Anyways, I'm a deep sleeper so a little noise never bothers me."
B: "That's good to know. I'm usually a night person, but I'm very quiet if my roommate is sleeping."
A: "As long as you don't blast the music while I'm sleeping, I should be fine. Did you eat lunch yet?"
B: "No. Is there a cafeteria in the building?"
A: "Yeah. I'll show you."
Potom ako zvládnete počúvaciu lekciu, mali by ste si prečítať konverzačný dialóg. Nepozerajte sa na text dialógu pokiaľ si ho nevypočujete , alebo pokiaľ nezodpoviete všetky otázky.
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